NinjaTrader Indicators, Strategies, Systems, Signals & Add-ons
For over a decade we have been offering premium Ninjatrader Indicators, Day Trading Systems, Strategies and Day Trading solutions for traders who want the best day trading indicators. We chose the Ninjatrader 8 trading platform because it can do things no other trading platform can do and we have exploited every capability in it we can.
For example, our Smart Trapped Trader Oscillator Advanced is a 4th generation indicator that can do calculations and plotting on tick as well as bid ask data both live and historically. This is a huge game changer for traders who want the very best. Our indicators were developed by Rob Mitchell, a Robbins World Cup Champion Trader and trading system developer for over 30 years. Rob may be the most qualified person to have accomplished this. It is very important for aspiring new day and swing traders to have the best tools and resources. IndicatorSmart is it!
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