Smart Momentum
$99.00 – $399.00
The Smart Momentum Ninjatrader Indicator tool is unique in its design over other momentum indicators in that it uses an adaptive algorithm to make it more predictive than other momentum indicators. Users have often said after using the Smart Momentum, “The Smart Momentum Knows.” This predictive aspect is certainly whey the Smart Momentum is one of our absolute best sellers. Additionally, because of the way the calculation is done, the tool can take into account large cycles that are well beyond what would be a normal input for other momentum indicators and still achieve the above superior characteristics. As a result, this tool is ideal for your trading strategies, systems, signals and trading system automation
Watch the video on this page for more information and for trading ideas using this tool. Also look in the related products section below or Smart Patterns Systems or other categories from the drop down menu above that include or can be combined with this great tool to create a comprehensive strategy and for special pricing.
Additional information
Smart Momentum NT8 | I want to get a lifetime license for Smart Momentum NT8 for up to two machines (non-simultaneous logins), I already have a Legacy or older version of Smart Momentum and want to UPGRADE to a lifetime license for Smart Momentum NT8 for up to two machines (non-simultaneous logins) |
Mike Brandau –
In have been trading with the smart momentum indicator for around 10 years in addition to a bunch of other indicators Rob designed. This one is core to my trading strategy and I wouldn’t trade without it. Mike in the trading room says you can do it all with this one indicator. I agree, but it’s a lot easier if you have other tools like the trapped trader oscillator, the smart volume ratio and other indicators in the trading room pack.
Keith –
As a new trader, I was overwhelmed to say the least; however, I find that the Smart Momentum really helps me stay focused and narrow down my personal trading strategies, especially when I use it with the Smart Trapped Trader Oscillator Advanced. Things become clearer to me, and I become less reactive in my trading, which makes a world of difference.
Aiden Hughes –
I have been using the Smart momentum for years. It is a key part of my trading strategy and I have also done some automation with it in Bloodhound. I also have the Smart Break points and use it with the Smart Momentum. This combination is great because it shows you where the market turns are. This is the single best momentum indicator I have ever seen- hands down!